10th Anniversary message

Dear Valued Investor,
At the outset I wish you and your loved ones a very Happy Christmas & New Year! It’s been a very difficult time for all of us and the entire globe is still adjusting to new ways of dealing with the Covid-19 threat on humanity. I wish you all remain healthy, safe and very well protected.
This year we have completed 10 years of our journey at AU Mutuals and yet it feels we just started. I wish to express our deepest gratitude for the trust and confidence that you have placed on our abilities.
I wish to assure you that we remain fully committed to always maintain high standard of our services. We are constantly learning and adopting new age technology to serve you better in changing times. Also, we are gradually increasing our time size to serve you even better.
Increasing number of clients would never mean compromising on quality or service aspects. Once again, I take this opportunity to thank you for giving us an opportunity to serve you.

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